Does whic buy bottles from private individuals?
Currently, we do not purchase bottles from private individuals.Some readersWhere can I purchase a gift voucher?
Currently, we are unable to offer gift vouchers.Some readersWhy is my whisky cloudy?
Whisky contains various compounds such as fats, proteins and esters after fermentation, distillation and barrel aging. Some of these substances are referred to as 'congeners'. They can react to low temperatures by partially precipitating or clumping together. This can manifest as cloudiness in the whisky when it is consumed with ice or exposed to wintry temperatures. This resulting 'Scottish Mist' generally dissipates as the whisky warms up, but some suspended particles may remain.Some readersHow do I unsubscribe from advertising?
If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter, you can easily unsubscribe. Please use the link 'Unsubscribe from the newsletter here.' at the end of every whic newsletter. A link will open where you need to enter your email address and confirm the unsubscribe by clicking 'Unsubscribe'. If you do not wish to receive advertising from us by mail, please inform us through our contact form, providing your address.Few readersWhere can I order the Whisky aus Schottland - Das große Scotch Whisky Buch (whic)?
You can easily add the Whisky aus Schottland - Das große Scotch Whisky Buch (whic) to your shopping cart and proceed with the order. You can directly access the item through this link: readersHow can I edit my customer information?
Log in to your customer account. Click on "Log in" at the top right and enter your credentials. After logging in, you will be taken to your personal overview. Click on "Your profile". 3. Here you can view and edit your personal information such as name, address and date of birth. Don't forget to check the box "I certify that I am 18 years or older." Finally, click "Save changes" toFew readersMy discount code/voucher isn't working.
Instructions on how to redeem your code can be found here: How do I redeem a voucher/discount code? If you continue to encounter an error message, please contact us with the code at We will assist you as soon as possible.Few readersHow does age verification work?
We do not sell alcoholic products to individuals under 18 years of age. During the ordering process, it must be definitively declared that the person placing the order is over 18 years old. Upon delivery, the courier will verify the recipient's age (or that of a substitute recipient) by sight or, if necessary, through an appropriate identification document (e.g., ID card).Few readersI forgot my password.
You can request a link to reset your password here.Few readersI can't log in.
Sometimes login issues may arise due to the password. Please reset your password for your customer account using this link: If you still cannot log in to your customer account after this, please contact us directly.Few readersWhere can I find cocktail recipes?
Here, you can access our favorite cocktail recipes. From exciting to classic, whether with whisky, rum, gin or brandy - there's something for everyone!Few readersHow can I add an item to my wishlist?
Log in to your user account and click on the heart icon on the product page. The item will then be added to your wishlist.Few readersWhere can I find the download link for the free e-book about whisky?
You can find our free whisky e-books on Scotch whisky, Irish whiskey and Japanese whisky here for download: readersHow can I subscribe to the newsletter?
Become a whiskyinsider and receive tips from your expert directly to your inbox! Giveaways: Benefit from exciting giveaways. The following terms and conditions apply. Free whisky knowledge: Your exclusive access to all e-books, our PDF magazine archive and many other exciting downloads. Exclusive whisky offers: Never miss a rare bottling again. As a reader of the newsletter, you are always instantly informed.Few readers