Has my order been received?
Once your order is successfully completed, you will receive an order confirmation via email. This may take a few minutes in some cases. Please also check your spam folder.Few readersMy order was left at an unknown location or delivered to an unknown person. What now?
In this case, you can contact us directly through the contact form. This way, we can get in touch with DHL and find a solution for you as quickly as possible!Few readersCan I change my delivery address afterward?
After you have submitted your order, the delivery address cannot be changed afterward. Your order is processed immediately to ensure it is shipped to you as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us at service@whic.de. We will certainly find a solution for you.Few readersCan I make changes to my order after it has been placed?
After submitting your order, no changes can be made. Your order will be processed immediately to ensure it is shipped to you as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us at service@whic.de. We’ll be happy to find a solution for you.Few readersHow can I cancel my order?
All information regarding cancellation can be found here: https://whic.de/widerrufFew readersCan I change the payment method afterward?
In some cases, you have the option to change your payment method afterward. To do so, log in to your customer account and access your order overview. Click on the three dots on the right. If the conditions are met, you will find the option 'Change payment method' there.Few readersHow do I redeem a voucher/discount code?
You can redeem your voucher or discount code directly in the shopping cart. Simply enter the code into the field above 'Go to checkout' and confirm your entry with Enter or by clicking the checkmark to the right of the field. (see Image 1) If the code has been successfully redeemed, it will be displayed directly in the shopping cart. (see Image 2) Please note that there should be no space before or after the code. Image 1: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/5d809190bab29c00Few readersCan I send my order as a gift?
You can easily provide a different delivery address during the ordering process, allowing your package to be sent directly to the recipient. Inside the package, there will only be a delivery note without any reference to the person placing the order. Therefore, please communicate with the recipient so they know who the gift is from. The invoice will be sent exclusively via email. Currently, it is not possible for us to gift-wrap the items and send them or include a personalized greeting card.Few readers